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Thru Hiking: End-to-End Hiking On the Trail



a man admiring the landscapeThru hiking is something that many hikers strive to do as they see it as a challenge. So, what is a thru hike? If you do not know, thru hikes are something that is known as hiking a long distance trail, from one end to the other, within one season. It is a fun and challenging experience that is known in the United States and even around the world.

This type of hiking is not to be confused with section hiking, where you hike parts of a trail by sections at once, that do not have to be in sequential order. This type of hiking is also known as End-to-End Hiking, and there is a lot to learn about it, as well as what areas are known for thru hikes.

End-to-End Hiking On The Trail

This type of hiking actually started many years ago when people traveled strictly on foot, and were doing so for their own personal fun, and to see the world around them. Some people have become well known for their trail blazing thru hikes, such as Lillian Alling, who aimed to walk from New York City to the Bering Strait, to take a boat back to Russia.

Or George W. Outerbridge who was the first person to thru hike the first part of the Appalachian Trail in the 1930s. Earl Shaffer was the first to thru hike publicly thru the Appalachian Trail in the 1940s.

Today, this type of hiking is considered difficult, but definitely fun and something new to do. It can take many months and many miles to hike areas, and there are many things you need to take with you to ensure you are safe and healthy. With the next 4 to 6 months in the mountains, you will want to plan well in advance like what to take, where to go, and where to stock up if you need food or anything else.


Since backpacking, mountaineering, and hiking, have become more and more popular within the United States and the world, many people try this form of hiking in the most well known places each year. But, not everyone can complete the long journey. For example, The Appalachian Trail Conservancy reports that about a quarter of thru hikers, actually finish the trail. Do you think you can do it? Let us talk more about it before you get too overwhelmed!

Features to Consider

The features of thru hiking are basically preparing yourself for the long haul. See below for some things you should do in preparation for such a feat.

Do not go into this lightly. You are going to want to do a ton of research on where to go, what gear to take, learn new trail skills, and more. This is something you will want to plan well in advance because you cannot wing a trip like this.

research on where to go

Thru hikes are quite daunting at times. Most people do not make the entire hike. To ensure you are successful in your mission, you should know some pitfalls that make people quit, and how you can handle them.


Do not go into this thinking it is going to be easy. It will not be. You will be outdoors for several months and it is going to take a lot of determination and work to complete the mission.


Your body is going to get tired. You will be sore, tired, wet and dirty. You are going to be hungry and thirsty. Take care of your body so that your brain does not start telling you to quit. Mental fatigue can be very tough to overcome. Keep yourself going one minute at a time when you feel down.

Time and Money

This is where you want to stay in your budget and stay on track. Put a plan together about how much hiking you want to do on each day. Keep track of your progress and watch over the money you do have. Being aware of these things will ensure a successful trip.

Time and Money

Sickness or Injury

Thru hikes take a toll on your body, for sure. You will feel your muscles, joints and bones ache some days. Take care of your body before and during your hiking adventure. Each day you will want to stretch so that your body is limber. Plan ahead and train yourself and prepare for this. If you do injure yourself seriously, you may have to abort your trip early.

Life Events

We all know life can get in the way at times. Sometimes things occur, such as a death or sickness that requires you to leave the trail. You may have to leave for some time, but you can always get back on the trail at a different time.

Prepare for Success

When you are planning your trip ahead of time, try to define some goals that you want to achieve. Stay focused on big and small milestones to keep you going. Setting goals, such as not quitting if the weather is snowy, can be helpful when on the trail. The idea is to define what successes you want to achieve while you are thru hiking.

Prepare for success

Gear Weight

Thru hikes are not the time to be carrying heavy gear. It can weigh down on you when you need the most energy. You want to be as efficient as possible so you can cover as much area per day. You will want very light gear and equipment in order to not be weighed down.


Staying positive is key to being successful through your journey. You can do this and you can stay focused, even if times may be tough. If you are committed, strong willed and prepared, nothing can stop you. There is no time like the present, so start planning as early as you can, to get out there and be successful!

Where Can You Go To Thru Hike, and What Do You Need to Take With You?

Now we can get to the good stuff about thru hiking. There are many famous places in which you can thru hike and they are all over the world. We will discuss 3 in the United States, however. Below, we will discuss some of the most well known places that people enjoy this type of hiking.

Appalachian Trail

When people thru hike, chances are they are going to do so on the Appalachian Trail, as it is the most popular place to do so. Here, you will hike 2,190 miles of the trail and it should take you anywhere from 5 to 7 months to do the entire thing. You will have to register here in order to thru hike and you will have to know all of the regulations for the Trail. It also includes several places in which, to resupply on food and items, and you really only need to carry about 3 to 6 days of food before you need to get more.

Older hiker on the Appalachian Trail

Pacific Crest Trail

This trail is 2,650 miles long and takes at least 5 months to complete. You will need a permit to hike here, which is in Southern California and goes up through Washington. In California, it can be terribly hot and you need to stay hydrated and safe. You can also climb Mt. Whitney while you are out on the trail!

crossing the Pacific Crest Trail

Continental Divide Trail

If you average 17 miles per day, you can complete this trail in 6 months. You will probably need a backpacking permit to go through the national parks. You will travel through 4 states; Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Idaho. Plus, you will touch on spots of Montana.

You will also run the trail in Mexico on one end and Canada on the other. Overall, you will travel 5,600 miles! That is quite the feat and you get to see some beautiful parts of the country, Mexico and Canada! One fun fact is that only about 200 people try this thru hike each year!

Hiking the Continental Divide Trail

Now that you know some of the places where you can go, let us discuss what you should pack along with you. Remember, you want to keep everything simple and light in weight. Take only the essential items with you. You can always find little towns or places along the trail where you can purchase some food and drinks or pick up some extra items that you need.

Items to Take on Your Thru Hike Why You Need It
Shelter You will need a tent to take with you in order to either sleep in or use in case of bad weather. Be sure it is light in weight.
Pack Your gear pack needs to be light and compact, and should be as big as 40 to 65 liters. You will want something simple and that has a good internal frame. You do not need anything fancy for thru hiking.
Sleeping Bag You will need a sleeping bag to sleep in at night. In the mountains, the temperature can get down to freezing digits and you need something that is insulated and fit for use each day and is resistant to water. Ideally, it will weigh under 3 pounds.
Sleeping Pad You will need a sleeping pad for cushioning as you sleep after a long day of hiking. This helps your body to rest properly and get ready for another day outdoors. This should weigh about a pound or less.
Clothing Many people make the mistake of packing too much clothing. Ideally, you need a couple of pairs of socks and underwear. Never bring along cotton clothing as it absorbs moisture.You will need some insulating layers and clothing to go over that. Synthetic or wool fabrics are best. Also have a spare set of clothing while you are at camp so you can clean your hiking clothing.
Footwear Your foot gear is the most important item to have. Many thru hikers like trail runners as opposed to heavy boots. Trail runners dry quicker, are lighter in weight, and do not cause as much pain or blisters on the feet.You will want your trail runners to be about a size bigger than normal. Using these types of footwear allows you to cover more of the trail.
Water Purification System You want to learn how to treat your water and make it clean and safe to drink. No matter what trail you are on, never take a chance.Always make sure you filter and clean your water before drinking it. Having a purification system in place is important and you can find several when looking into it.
Stuff Sacks Ideally, you will want to take 2 waterproof stuff sacks with you. One will be for clothing and the other will be for your sleeping bag.These items need to stay dry always. Some hikers carry an extra stuff sack with snacks and things they can eat.
Guide Book and / or Map Using a guide book can be helpful when finding shelter, campsites, and supplies. Using a map will give you the lay of the land, like terrain, and will prevent you from getting lost in the wild.Most thru hikers prefer the AWOL’s AT Guide if you are in the Appalachian Trail.
First Aid Kit and Hygiene Products Bring along the essential first aid and hygiene products in order to save space. Some items you will need include antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, cream, tape, hand sanitizer, toothbrush and paste, soap, and fire starter.
Knife or Multi Tool This can help when cutting up your food to eat, or for any number of things you may encounter in the wild. Having this can make life a little easier.

A few other items that you might consider taking, but are not exactly essential include the following:

  • Hiking Poles can be used to help you take less of an impact on your knees when you are trekking along downhill. These can also be used as tent poles in a pinch.
  • Stove or Cook Wear, basically make life easier when it comes to cooking your dinner after a long day. Many thru hikers carry little stoves in order to eat foods that would normally be heated. Having a bowl or pot to cook in allows your food to be eaten properly.
  • Headlamps can be used for hiking in the dark, which is not safe. You should use caution when hiking at night. If you decide to bring a headlamp, look for one with at least 70 Lumens.
  • Electronics are luxury items when thru hiking. Some people want to bring their phone, mp3 player, laptop or camera. They even bring flashlights. You may do this to stay connected with the outside world, but you do not need them. They can be useful if calling for help, but you can always bring a radio for that. Other luxury items include pillows and books.

A picture of hiking poles

What Do Other Hikers Say?

Hikers say that thru hiking is definitely a challenge and that it is not to be taken lightly. Being gone for months at a time, roughing it outdoors, in any kind of weather can take a toll on you, mentally and physically. Hikers say that if you are going to attempt this, months long journey, you need to mentally prepare and get your body in shape for the long duration that you will be gone.

Hikers agree that using the lightest gear possible and bringing along only the essential items is what keeps the weight down and keeps your body going. Be sure to eat right, stretch, and get proper rest. Keeping a positive attitude helps, and having a friend or two to keep the confidence going is absolutely helpful. Hikers also agree that this is something that you will never forget and will be so proud of once you succeed.

How to Thru Hike the Appalachian Trail

Pros and Cons of Thru Hiking

Thru hiking can definitely be a rush and an accomplishment, but does have some downsides to it. See below for a quick synopsis of the pros and cons.


  • Unforgettable journey
  • Outdoors for long periods of time
  • Seeing nature at its finest
  • Putting your survival skills to use
  • Getting many great photos


  • Takes a toll on the body and mind
  • Can take several months
  • Costs a lot of money
  • Takes time to prepare for
  • Some days will be bad for weather

While thru hiking takes a long time and a huge toll, it is definitely an achievement that not many will complete. This is why you need to be as prepared as possible with your gear, mind, and body in order to make it through this, months long journey.

Thru-Hiking Photography

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Health Benefits Of Drinking Water: Be Positively Hydrated!




We all know that humans simply cannot live without water. It is essential to our livelihood and helps the body in so many ways that we simply cannot function without it. Even our blood is 92 percent water! Staying properly hydrated allows your body to remove toxins and helps to send vitamins and nutrients, as well as oxygen, through the body to the proper places, keeping you energized. We will discuss all that and more as well as how long to digest water.

Water is helpful when losing weight, as it boosts your body’s metabolism, and it promotes healthy skin. You may feel that you are in a happier mood when you are hydrated, because water is doing its job by working with your body. You probably have a lot of questions, such as how long does water stay in your stomach? That can vary from person to person, but we will discuss more below about water and your body.

Soon, you will know all about water, how to stay hydrated, what causes dehydration and more. Let us first talk about ingesting water.

Ingesting Water

When you drink water, it travels from the mouth to pharynx and then down the esophagus. This takes about a second. Some of that water is absorbed into the stomach, some if it is absorbed into the small intestine. Then the water enters your circulatory system and then flows through the body. Did you know that if you drink 2 liters of water each day, it can turn into upwards of 2,000 ml of urine? The bladder holds up to 16 ounces of urine. For your stomach to digest water, it can take generally 45 minutes to 2 hours. However, if you have not eaten anything, and are drinking water, it can sometimes digest in just a handful of minutes.

On average, a person needs at least 64 ounces of water in their body per day. If you are highly active, you may need more water. Depending on your fitness level, you may need to increase your water intake as well. Ingesting this much water will keep toxins flushing out of the body and will keep you full so you will not want to snack. It boosts your metabolism, keeping you going through the day. The best part? Water has no sugar, no fat, and no calories!

Ways to Stay Hydrated

Besides drinking water and increasing your intake if necessary, you can find many foods also have a lot of water. Stay away from the caffeine, which acts as a diuretic. Many fruits and meats contain a high amount of water.

Some great examples of foods that will keep you hydrated include:

  • Hamburger Meat
  • Chicken breast (not fried)
  • Soups, Broths, and Stews
  • Smoothies
  • Flavored Water or Sports Drinks like Powerade
  • Watermelon
  • Grapes
  • Real Fruit Juice
  • Jell O

There are many things you can do to improve your body’s hydration level.

Making small changes like replacing that soda with some water, can help your body work better and less harder.

Here are some ways to improve your hydration level:

  • If you do not like plain water, you can always eat foods that are high in water, such as those mentioned above.. Some foods can contain up to 90 percent water. While you do want to drink water regularly, you can always add lemon for flavor.
  • Stay away from drinks that will steal water from your body. These would be the sodas, coffees, and teas because not only are they diuretics, causing you to lose more water when you urinate. If you are already dehydrated or sick, stay away especially from apple juice and prune juice as you will lose even more water in the form of stool.
  • To increase your water intake, carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go. Whether it is exercising at the gym, working in your office, or driving your car, keeping water nearby will allow you easy access to hydration.
  • If you are flying, you may notice that your mouth feels dry. The air in the cabin dries out your body. Drink water before and during your flight so you do not feel this way. During this time, you should also avoid soda pop and alcohol while you are in the air.
  • Stay away from any “water diets” that claim to help you lose weight fast. Drinking too much water can be dangerous. Not only that, but your body can only absorb so much water before it just goes straight to your bladder. You will not burn fat doing a water diet.
  • Water is hard to digest when you are eating it with a meal. It also dilutes the digestive acids. If you do want to drink water with your dinner, try drinking sips of room temperature water. Drinking ice water will slow the digestion process.
  • As we said before, drinking two glasses of water when you wake up can help jump start your body for the day. It keeps your body in balance and allows your mood to improve. This is definitely a must when it comes to hydration.
  • Lay off the carbonated water as it only makes you burp. The gas from this will make you feel full in the stomach, which means you will not drink as much as you would with regular water. If you cannot live without a little fizz in your drink, you can always put some seltzer in your water.
  • You can lose weight by drinking more water. It can help to burn calories and can help you feel full between meals. Water will flush the kidneys and release toxins from your body, as well as some fat. If your kidneys are in great shape, the rest of your body will improve.

What Causes Dehydration?

There are many things that can lead to dehydration, namely lack of giving yourself water for your body. If you do not ingest water, you can die within days. Some foods can cause dehydration as well.

Below are 9 foods and drinks that can dehydrate your body.

  • White Asparagus:  This vegetable has aspartic acid, which affects the kidneys, depleting water from your body. This will, in turn, cause you to be dehydrated.
  • Alcohol: Since alcohol is a diuretic, it will make you need to use the restroom more. Thus, you are losing water from your body. Too much alcohol will cause a hangover, leading to a headache, because of lack of water. If you do drink, try to drink water as well to keep yourself from a hangover later.
  • Cured Meats: Because of the high amount of protein and salt in cured meats, your body will lose water. It is recommended to drink water along with your cured meats to ensure the salt does not dry up the water within you.
  • Coffee: If you drink just one or two cups of coffee, you do not have to worry about it dehydrating you. However, if you drink a lot of coffee, it dehydrates you like alcohol does because coffee is also a diuretic. Plus, the caffeine is thought to speed up the process of dehydration.
  • Soy Sauce: We all like to add a little soy sauce to our rice now and then, but it does contain salt, which will soak the water up from your body. In 2013, a girl almost died from drinking a quart of it and it gave her an imbalance of electrolytes, causing dehydration. If you use it a lot, though, you should drink some water along with it.
  • Bouillon Cubes: Used for making soup, bouillon cubes contain a very high amount of salt, which aids in dehydrating you. Essentially, when it is used in soup, you are drinking flavored salty water. Even though water is used in the process of making soup, you will still need additional water to stay hydrated. If you are sick, you will want the extra fluids so water can replenish your body.
  • Popcorn: High in sodium, popcorn can cause you to feel very thirsty. Many like to drink a soda with their popcorn, especially in the theater. Try to replace that soda with water or flavored water to gain some fresh water for your body.
  • Fried Foods: French Fries. Cheese Sticks. Fried Chicken. If it is fried, it is going to dehydrate you. Fried foods and processed foods usually have a lot of salt, which can be over your daily intake amount. Avoid these foods or eat sparingly. Always replenish yourself with some water after eating these foods.
  • Sugary Drinks: Many sodas or juices contain a high amount of sugar, which are acidic as well. While they may be tasty, they are sucking water right out of your body. In turn, all of your organs are working harder to process the sugars, and your body has lost water. Cut back on the sugary drinks, by including more water within your daily diet.

What Happens to Your Body without Water?

Dehydration will occur when you do not have enough water in your body. You need to replace the water throughout the day to keep your body functioning properly.

Some signs that you are being dehydrated include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Feeling tired
  • Headache or dizziness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dry skin
  • Constipation

There are more signs if you happen to be severely dehydrated, such as:

  • Irritability
  • Sunken eyes
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Fever
  • Little to no urine
  • Low blood pressure

There are more signs, but those are the major ones. The major causes of dehydration are: frequent urination, sweating, vomiting, diabetes, and diarrhea.

Nobody is immune to dehydration and it can affect you more, and this is especially true for certain people like:

  • The elderly
  • Sick people
  • Infants
  • Diabetics
  • Alcoholics
  • Those with adrenal gland disorders
  • Those with cystic fibrosis

The elderly are more likely to become dehydrated because as a person ages, the thirst mechanism in the body is not as strong. Therefore, they will lose water faster. If an elderly person has dementia, they will experience dehydration and the need to stay on top of their water consumption. Infants and small children are at risk of dehydration because their little bodies go through water faster, so they need to be sure to get water regularly.

While a person can live up to 3 weeks without food, the body can only go 3 days without water. Survival experts, stick by the Rule of Threes: You can live only 3 minutes without oxygen. You have 3 hours to find shelter in a harsh weathered environment. You can live 3 days without water, and you can live 3 weeks without food. There have been cases where people have lived a week without water, but those are rare. Since the body is nearly 70 percent water, you can see how essential it is for living.

Best Time to Drink Water

Believe it or not, there are times in the day that are better for drinking water, as well as a few guidelines that will help your body get all of the water it needs.

So, when is the best time to drink water?

  • Drink 2 glasses of water upon waking up. This helps to wake up your internal organs and get them ready for the day.
  • Drink 1 glass of water a half hour before any meal as it helps the digestion process.
  • If you are taking a bath, drink 1 glass of water to keep your blood pressure down.
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of water for heart health. This aids in preventing a heart attack or stroke.
  • Another trick is, after drinking the 2 glasses when you wake up, you can brush your teeth and eat about 45 minutes later. From there, eat your breakfast and do not eat again for another 2 hours. This helps water to process through your body more efficiently.

Best Ways to Drink Water

There are three great ways to drink water and keep yourself healthy:

  • Drink at a slow pace. Keeping a steady pace when drinking water will keep you more hydrated than if you were to down a whole bottle in just a few moments. This is because your intestines can only take so much water at once. If water moves too fast, you will lose it through urination, instead of it being absorbed into your body.
  • Drink water with some lemon! Lemon has many health benefits as you will see below. You will feel more energetic and your body will be able to digest food better. Using a water pitcher that has an infuser will allow you to infuse your water with whatever fruit you want and the fruit will pour into your glass with the water.
  • Timing is key for drinking water, as we stated above. Knowing when to drink water will allow you to better absorb it giving you more energy and releasing more toxins. Drinking water is simple if you have some next to you at all times. You can use a tumbler and fill it wherever you need to, at school, at the office, or at home. Drinking as you eat will slow down the digestion process, as some people think.

Add a Little Lemon

Lemon is not only for enhancing your water with taste, but it can do wonders for your body. Here is how:

  • Lemon keeps you alert and full of energy because it contains potassium. This helps nerve function and brain function, and it reduces stress.
  • Lemon boosts your immune system with Vitamin C. This helps the body heal and helps to break up phlegm if you are sick.
  • A little lemon in your water will keep you not only hydrated but will not hold onto fat cells. They also absorb nutrients.
  • Since lemon has Vitamin C, your skin will produce more collagen, which keeps wrinkles at bay.
  • Lemons have pectin fiber, which keeps your metabolism regulated. This can help you lost weight and curb craving.
  • The liver loves lemons because it helps produce enzymes for your body. The liver works better and the bile helps in digestion. It also keeps toxins flowing out of your body by urination. Plus, lemons help bowel movement regulation.

Wrapping it up

Water is our life, truly. We need to take care of our bodies by drinking an appropriate amount each day. This lessens our risks of heart attacks, strokes, and sickness. It keeps your skin beautiful and helps boost your mood. Without water, we cannot survive. Hopefully, you have learned many things about water and can improve your daily regimen. Thanks for reading!

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Romantic Camping Ideas: Genius Hacks For Camping Couples To Plan Their A Romantic Outdoor Adventure




Camping is definitely the first thing that crosses someone’s mind when it comes to a perfect Valentine day or any other romantic event, especially if you and your partner love camping and spending time in the wilderness.

Imagine the fun and romance taking the love of your life somewhere far away from the hustle, bustle and busy schedule of city struggles. It would be up to you to turn “the wild environment into the romantic one”.

In this article, we are going to take a look at some really amazing romantic camping ideas. If you are still not sure about romantic camping, then stay tuned because you might end up loving it.

How to Plan Your Romantic Camping Trip

If you don’t want your romantic getaway to turn into a disaster,there are some important things to consider before actually going on a trip.

Pick the perfect spot

It is crucial to do some research beforehand and get yourself familiar with the area. Of course, unless you are planning to go somewhere where you have already been. If not, then make sure to find a place that would suit both of you. Since you are planning a romantic trip, go somewhere where you will have privacy and peace and quiet.

How to find the perfect spot? Do a research on all of the campsites online. By using online maps you can take a look at each detail, route, and path. By doing this you will be able to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Make reservations

This is very important, especially during the peak vacation months. You do not want your camping spot to be reserved by someone else, right? Not only reservations, but you should also use the online info to find out about entrance fees and the price of the activities being performed there.

In this way you won’t be surprised in a bad way.

Camping Gear You Must Not Forget

Let’s take a look at some of the goodies that you should not forget. These goodies would come in handy during your romantic camping.

But make sure to remember that you cannot really bring all of them together, because that depends on the location.

  • Since you will be sleeping in the wilderness, a comfy air mattress of high quality is a must. You might even want to go for a two-person sleeping bag so you would make sure that both of you have enough space. However, if you are camping somewhere with freezing temperatures or during the winter, you might want to buy a warmer and a waterproof sleeping bed with good insulation.
  • Pillows will spice up the cozy atmosphere and allow you to snuggle.
  • Make sure to bring extra blankets if you are camping in the winter or in case it suddenly gets colder. Or imagine what would happen if you get trapped in a rain or storm.
  • Take your romantic event in the wilderness to a higher level by hanging string lights around the tent, or even in the bushes and trees around it. You will need a battery powered, light strings or the solar ones.
  • Many couples go for candles when they want to achieve romantic mood, but remember that you must bring only the risk-free light. That is why you should consider bringing LED tea lights which can create the same Valentine effect.
  • Bring a guitar or some other musical instrument that is easily carried around. You can woo your partner or get wooed. You can also sing some favorite songs together. You will be probably alone, so there won’t be any need to be embarrassed.
  • Nobody would go camping without bringing a camping stove, so you can make delicious hot drinks like hot chocolate. It is not very romantic to eat canned food.
  • Do not forget to bring cards and games you both love to play together.
  • A cooler will keep all food and drinks fresh and cool. It is actually a must with regular camping as well.
  • If you are not able to play any musical instrument, then take a portable music player with you. Make a romantic playlist of favorite songs in advance and surprise your partner! Music makes everything better.

Other Things to Consider Before You Go

Besides the camping gear that you must not forget to bring, there are also a couple of other things to consider, such as:

  • Clothes: avoid smelly fabrics that quickly absorb sweat. Cotton becomes very stinky and should be avoided while synthetics, wool and Gore-Tex are great choices. Wool is warm while Gore-Tex is waterproof. Polypropylene and polyester can be used as under-layers because they do not get as stinky as cotton.
  • Prepare the menu: instead of wondering about the food there, make sure to prepare the full menu before you go. Spice up the camping trip activities and surprise your partner with dishes that she or he adores. If both of you are fond of alcoholic drinks, bring a favorite beverage, but place it in a bag or thermos. Do not forget desserts!
  • Do a research on wildlife: you would not want to get surprised by a bear, right? Even though it can be quite exciting to come upon a wild animal, you should know how to behave in its presence and if it is possible, to avoid if it is dangerous. You can even find about which products to bring with you in order to prevent insect bites or which places to avoid so you would not come face to face with a rat, skunk, snake, or mountain lion. While you are taking a break, inspect your body to see if there are ticks, because they must be removed immediately. That means that you should not forget an antiseptic.

Ideas for Romantic Camping Destinations

Here are some wonderful ideas for romantic destinations. Depending on where you live and your budget, you can choose at least one that would suit both you and your partner.


In most states and countries, campfires are forbidden due to the risk of forest fires.

That is why you should be aware of the fact that you would be able to go camping only when it is colder. However, what is more romantic than sitting around a warm campfire and looking at the stars? You can also enjoy a nice dinner and create a wonderful atmosphere.

Do a research on sites and locations that allow campfires and purchase the firewood only if you are sure that you can really go. Follow the campfire policy for your own safety and everything will be good.


Beaches are another amazing and romantic getaway.  You can swim, bathe in the sun, and make a beach fire, play beach games etc. Camping at the beach is different than camping in the woods, so you will need to bring beach-specific supplies. The basics are the same, but you will also need to protect your skin from the sun and bug bites.

Track the tides regularly, stay away from the dunes during the night and stay hydrated.

Hot Springs

Have you ever tried camping near a natural hot spring? Then make sure to try it, because it is relaxing, amazing and utterly romantic! If you manage to find a hot spring, imagine soaking yourself in hot water with your partner under the starry night. You can spice it up with tea-light candles, a portable music player and drinks.

However, make sure not to use glass for your drinks, never use soap and do not leave any litter behind.


Hiking can be another great way to spend a romantic day with your partner. Just imagine a nice weekend in the wilderness, and away from the crowds. However, make sure to bring boots of good quality because you will be on foot for hours; developing blisters is never romantic. Your shoes should provide you with ankle support and the socks should be designed for hiking. It would be a good idea to spend your day hikes in light-weight hiking shoes instead of the heavy high-cut boots. Your toes should have enough space to move around otherwise they will swell.

As for the destination, it is all up to you. With a blanket, water, enough food, and a headlamp, you can take your beloved on a romantic hike through the woods or hills. Hiking is not only great for physical health, but also mental health as well.


Looking for an unusual romantic getaway? Then what about canoeing, rafting or kayaking? Take your boyfriend or girlfriend on a paddling journey in which both of you will have fun! This is a great activity because it can lead you to an isolated campsite where you can take a break and enjoy the view with your partner. You do not really to buy a boat or canoe, you can simply rent one, but you have to be experienced in peddling it. Do not go paddling if you have never done it before because you can endanger not only yourself but your partner as well!

For this kind of adventure you need drinking water, food, sun protection, waterproof footwear and life-jacket. Make sure to get familiar with the area and its rapids before you go so you can avoid unexpected danger. Also, do not only peddle but take mini breaks to show your partner the area and the landscape. It will be an unforgettable adventure!


When you have finally chosen a destination, make sure to be aware of possible dangers and give your best to prevent them. It all depends on your experience, and if you are the one planning the romantic getaway, then you are responsible for your partner’s life as well.

Let’s take a look at some safety measures:

  • Sunburn can be prevented by wearing hats, sunglasses and applying lots of sunscreen. It does not matter where you are, you can get a sunburn at high elevations during freezing temperatures just as same as at the beach. However, if you do happen to sunburn your skin, apply lots of gel and seek medical attention if the burns turn into blisters.
  • Blisters are mostly caused by bad footwear, especially during hiking. Make sure to wear socks of high quality and to keep them dry. If your feet hurt, then make a break and check the blister. Apply a padding if it is not broken; however, if it has already turned into an open wound, then clean it with soap and water and cover it with a hydrogel.
  • Sprains are serious injuries that can happen anywhere. People who have sprained their wrists, knees or ankles should rest, then apply ice to the sprain to prevent swelling. After that a bandage should be used and the sprained joins kept elevated above the heart level.
  • Make sure to always have a First Aid Kit with you, whenever and wherever you go.

Final Thoughts on This Topic

To sum up, we have covered the most important things regarding romantic camping ideas. We have also mentioned some great destinations that might spark your interest and positively surprise your partner. Depending on your budget and location, you can explore camping areas online by using maps and official camping sites. In that way you will be informed about the all possible fees and taxes that might come along your way.

In order to turn camping into a romantic trip, prepare everything beforehand and make sure to remember your partner’s taste and preference. After that it is up to you to create a romantic location and transform it from the wild one into a truly Valentine setting.

Additionally, do not forget that it is better to be safe than sorry. If you are not experienced when it comes to hiking, paddling or camping in general, do not venture into long and far-away journeys that might endanger both you and your partner. Stick to a place where you can ask for help in case you need it.

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Great Outdoor Tips For Couples: Camping For Two!




Camping is definitely the first thing that crosses someone’s mind when it comes to a perfect Valentine day or any other romantic event, especially if you and your partner love camping and spending time in the wilderness.

Imagine the fun and romance taking the love of your life somewhere far away from the hustle, bustle and busy schedule of city struggles. It would be up to you to turn “the wild environment into the romantic one”.

In this article, we are going to take a look at some really amazing romantic camping ideas. If you are still not sure about romantic camping, then stay tuned because you might end up loving it.

How to Plan Your Romantic Camping Trip

If you don’t want your romantic getaway to turn into a disaster,there are some important things to consider before actually going on a trip.

Pick the perfect spot

It is crucial to do some research beforehand and get yourself familiar with the area. Of course, unless you are planning to go somewhere where you have already been. If not, then make sure to find a place that would suit both of you. Since you are planning a romantic trip, go somewhere where you will have privacy and peace and quiet.

How to find the perfect spot? Do a research on all of the campsites online. By using online maps you can take a look at each detail, route, and path. By doing this you will be able to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Make reservations

This is very important, especially during the peak vacation months. You do not want your camping spot to be reserved by someone else, right? Not only reservations, but you should also use the online info to find out about entrance fees and the price of the activities being performed there.

In this way you won’t be surprised in a bad way.

Camping Gear You Must Not Forget

Let’s take a look at some of the goodies that you should not forget. These goodies would come in handy during your romantic camping.

But make sure to remember that you cannot really bring all of them together, because that depends on the location.

  • Since you will be sleeping in the wilderness, a comfy air mattress of high quality is a must. You might even want to go for a two-person sleeping bag so you would make sure that both of you have enough space. However, if you are camping somewhere with freezing temperatures or during the winter, you might want to buy a warmer and a waterproof sleeping bed with good insulation.
  • Pillows will spice up the cozy atmosphere and allow you to snuggle.
  • Make sure to bring extra blankets if you are camping in the winter or in case it suddenly gets colder. Or imagine what would happen if you get trapped in a rain or storm.
  • Take your romantic event in the wilderness to a higher level by hanging string lights around the tent, or even in the bushes and trees around it. You will need a battery powered, light strings or the solar ones.
  • Many couples go for candles when they want to achieve romantic mood, but remember that you must bring only the risk-free light. That is why you should consider bringing LED tea lights which can create the same Valentine effect.
  • Bring a guitar or some other musical instrument that is easily carried around. You can woo your partner or get wooed. You can also sing some favorite songs together. You will be probably alone, so there won’t be any need to be embarrassed.
  • Nobody would go camping without bringing a camping stove, so you can make delicious hot drinks like hot chocolate. It is not very romantic to eat canned food.
  • Do not forget to bring cards and games you both love to play together.
  • A cooler will keep all food and drinks fresh and cool. It is actually a must with regular camping as well.
  • If you are not able to play any musical instrument, then take a portable music player with you. Make a romantic playlist of favorite songs in advance and surprise your partner! Music makes everything better.

Other Things to Consider Before You Go

Besides the camping gear that you must not forget to bring, there are also a couple of other things to consider, such as:

  • Clothes: avoid smelly fabrics that quickly absorb sweat. Cotton becomes very stinky and should be avoided while synthetics, wool and Gore-Tex are great choices. Wool is warm while Gore-Tex is waterproof. Polypropylene and polyester can be used as under-layers because they do not get as stinky as cotton.
  • Prepare the menu: instead of wondering about the food there, make sure to prepare the full menu before you go. Spice up the camping trip activities and surprise your partner with dishes that she or he adores. If both of you are fond of alcoholic drinks, bring a favorite beverage, but place it in a bag or thermos. Do not forget desserts!
  • Do a research on wildlife: you would not want to get surprised by a bear, right? Even though it can be quite exciting to come upon a wild animal, you should know how to behave in its presence and if it is possible, to avoid if it is dangerous. You can even find about which products to bring with you in order to prevent insect bites or which places to avoid so you would not come face to face with a rat, skunk, snake, or mountain lion. While you are taking a break, inspect your body to see if there are ticks, because they must be removed immediately. That means that you should not forget an antiseptic.

Ideas for Romantic Camping Destinations

Here are some wonderful ideas for romantic destinations. Depending on where you live and your budget, you can choose at least one that would suit both you and your partner.


In most states and countries, campfires are forbidden due to the risk of forest fires.

That is why you should be aware of the fact that you would be able to go camping only when it is colder. However, what is more romantic than sitting around a warm campfire and looking at the stars? You can also enjoy a nice dinner and create a wonderful atmosphere.

Do a research on sites and locations that allow campfires and purchase the firewood only if you are sure that you can really go. Follow the campfire policy for your own safety and everything will be good.


Beaches are another amazing and romantic getaway.  You can swim, bathe in the sun, and make a beach fire, play beach games etc. Camping at the beach is different than camping in the woods, so you will need to bring beach-specific supplies. The basics are the same, but you will also need to protect your skin from the sun and bug bites.

Track the tides regularly, stay away from the dunes during the night and stay hydrated.

Hot Springs

Have you ever tried camping near a natural hot spring? Then make sure to try it, because it is relaxing, amazing and utterly romantic! If you manage to find a hot spring, imagine soaking yourself in hot water with your partner under the starry night. You can spice it up with tea-light candles, a portable music player and drinks.

However, make sure not to use glass for your drinks, never use soap and do not leave any litter behind.


Hiking can be another great way to spend a romantic day with your partner. Just imagine a nice weekend in the wilderness, and away from the crowds. However, make sure to bring boots of good quality because you will be on foot for hours; developing blisters is never romantic. Your shoes should provide you with ankle support and the socks should be designed for hiking. It would be a good idea to spend your day hikes in light-weight hiking shoes instead of the heavy high-cut boots. Your toes should have enough space to move around otherwise they will swell.

As for the destination, it is all up to you. With a blanket, water, enough food, and a headlamp, you can take your beloved on a romantic hike through the woods or hills. Hiking is not only great for physical health, but also mental health as well.


Looking for an unusual romantic getaway? Then what about canoeing, rafting or kayaking? Take your boyfriend or girlfriend on a paddling journey in which both of you will have fun! This is a great activity because it can lead you to an isolated campsite where you can take a break and enjoy the view with your partner. You do not really to buy a boat or canoe, you can simply rent one, but you have to be experienced in peddling it. Do not go paddling if you have never done it before because you can endanger not only yourself but your partner as well!

For this kind of adventure you need drinking water, food, sun protection, waterproof footwear and life-jacket. Make sure to get familiar with the area and its rapids before you go so you can avoid unexpected danger. Also, do not only peddle but take mini breaks to show your partner the area and the landscape. It will be an unforgettable adventure!


When you have finally chosen a destination, make sure to be aware of possible dangers and give your best to prevent them. It all depends on your experience, and if you are the one planning the romantic getaway, then you are responsible for your partner’s life as well.

Let’s take a look at some safety measures:

  • Sunburn can be prevented by wearing hats, sunglasses and applying lots of sunscreen. It does not matter where you are, you can get a sunburn at high elevations during freezing temperatures just as same as at the beach. However, if you do happen to sunburn your skin, apply lots of gel and seek medical attention if the burns turn into blisters.
  • Blisters are mostly caused by bad footwear, especially during hiking. Make sure to wear socks of high quality and to keep them dry. If your feet hurt, then make a break and check the blister. Apply a padding if it is not broken; however, if it has already turned into an open wound, then clean it with soap and water and cover it with a hydrogel.
  • Sprains are serious injuries that can happen anywhere. People who have sprained their wrists, knees or ankles should rest, then apply ice to the sprain to prevent swelling. After that a bandage should be used and the sprained joins kept elevated above the heart level.
  • Make sure to always have a First Aid Kit with you, whenever and wherever you go.

Final Thoughts on This Topic

To sum up, we have covered the most important things regarding romantic camping ideas. We have also mentioned some great destinations that might spark your interest and positively surprise your partner. Depending on your budget and location, you can explore camping areas online by using maps and official camping sites. In that way you will be informed about the all possible fees and taxes that might come along your way.

In order to turn camping into a romantic trip, prepare everything beforehand and make sure to remember your partner’s taste and preference. After that it is up to you to create a romantic location and transform it from the wild one into a truly Valentine setting.

Additionally, do not forget that it is better to be safe than sorry. If you are not experienced when it comes to hiking, paddling or camping in general, do not venture into long and far-away journeys that might endanger both you and your partner. Stick to a place where you can ask for help in case you need it.

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