Outdoor Vitals Summit 20 Sleeping Bag: An Incredible Ultralight Outdoor Gear
gear that has often been provided by synthetic sleeping bags in the past. Many people are still of a notion that heavy sleeping bags are great for the cold temperatures in the wilderness, but this notion was so yesterday because light materials can also command a great deal of insulation.
Nowadays we talk about the Down, nature’s competitive insulation material that is often filled in the sleeping bags to give them a great insulation quality coupled with an ultralight feature even though the majority of the down-filled bags are expensive.
We are faced with a whole range of sleeping bags on the market some of which are just bulky. It could be challenging to even pick the best product. To help, in an attempt to trim off unneeded pounds, consider the Outdoor Vitals Summit 20 Sleeping Bag that is known for its ultralight weight of about 2.8 pounds and its warm-to-weight ratio. The bag joins a range of winter apparels produced by this company to sell directly to the public.
The Outdoor Vitals put more efforts on providing sleeping bags of high quality that are unsurpassed by synthetic sleeping bags. They are also competitive and affordable as compared to similar products. Let’s now unfold the impressive features that set this sleeping bag apart.
The Summit 20 is sought-after by its unique features such as the ultralight weight, its warmth, its affordability, water repellent feature, insulation properties, durability, and comfort. These are the essential features that outdoor enthusiasts prioritize when choosing sleeping bags. But we must admit that the weight and warmth supersede them all for ultralight devotees. Let’s further discuss these features hereunder without any hierarchy of importance.
When you receive your sleeping bag you will get in addition to the bag itself the compression bag and a booklet on the care for your sleeping bag. Absent is a larger bag to allow you to store this investment in an uncompressed state, however, Outdoor Vitals seems to be taking a different approach. They have included in their sleeping bags a set of hanging loops at the bottom of the bag.
This innovation allows you to hang your sleeping bag not only to dry, but can also be used to store your sleeping bag. This method has the advantage of both ensuring your bag is not stored compressed but also makes sure it is aired out for future usage. On the downside, if means that you will need to have somewhere to leave it hanging in between uses or purchase a separate storage bag.
Weight is one of the important features of hiking, camping, and backpacking. Having bulky gear with a camping and a sleeping bag will just characterize your outdoor adventure as the most hurtful due to the heavy weight your body has to suffer. This necessitates the importance of choosing sleeping bags based on weight.
This sleeping bag meets such a criteria of an ultra light weight with its 2.8 pounds. It comes in various sizes, short, long and a regular model, but still, weighs a little under 3 pounds all of them. And, unlike other sleeping bags most notably the synthetic models, this sleeping bag doesn’t compromise warmth quality with its ultra light weight. Because we know that ultralight hiking is your priority, this sleeping bag could be ideal for you.
Filled with 800+ fill power duck down, this bag guarantees a competitive warmth. It is one of the most insulated outdoor sleeping bags with a grid design that ensures an even distribution of the Down insulation material within the bag. Meanwhile, the outer shell fabric is made of a VitalDry coated DWR material to enhance warmth in mid-rainy days. Furthermore, the YKK zippers help in keeping the bag warmth.
With the warmth of a sleeping bag, you can spend many days in the wilderness without the sad part of the harsh weather conditions. But this sleeping bag is not designed for the freezing temperatures. It has a temperature rating of 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
So, for temperatures below this rating, you will have to mate the sleeping bag with other outdoor apparels, perhaps considering the greatly insulated blankets or nightdresses. In short, the OV sleeping bag is a great choice to survive the 3 season’s cold nights as a standalone except in winter.
No hiker gets intrigued by sleeping bags of inferior quality unless if the hike is for a few hours only. But spending many nights outside calls for durable materials. This comes down to how the product has been designed and constructed. The Summit, in particular, it’s made of a 20D nylon, polyester ripstop fabric as its outer shell. This is certainly reassuring us the durability in addition to the promised lifetime warranty by the manufacturer. It won’t tear apart that easily after a few uses.
On top of that, the VitalDry DWR coating plays yet another important role in durability by preventing the damage of water. But other sleeping bags can be protected from water damage by using them inside water repellent camping tents. Furthermore, the interior of the OV bag is made of 320T ripstop fabric to reinforce durability.
The comfort of this sleeping bag may be measured by its ability to offer the best insulation, proper fit, and warmth. Firstly, it is made of a down insulation material, filled with 800+ power duck down. This down-fill is evenly laid against the wall of this sleeping bag to ensure that there’s no cold spot left out. The loft is also amazingly adequate to reinforce the comfort. So, sleeping in this sleeping bag offers the wearer a great comfort to survive whichever harsh temperature exposed to.
Again, the proper fit of this sleeping bag is something more to talk about. It is available in 3 models. short, long, and regular. Here are the dimensions of these sizes:
- Short sleeping bag – has dimensions 69 x 31 inches and can fit height over 5’. It weighs 2.5 pounds
- Regular sleeping bag – has dimensions 75 x 31 inches and can fit heights over 5.6 inches.
- Long model – has dimensions 81 x 35 inches and can fit heights over 6’.
Water Repellent Feature
As already emphasized, the Summit is made special by its VitalDry DWR coating on the outer shell. It may always be a case that you sleep in water repellent camping tents. And as such you need to be prepared for the unforeseen, where you find yourself having the sleeping bag only amid the rainy days. The water repellent outsell will keep you warm and dry.
However, as years of use elapses, the water repellent property fades away, and the sleeping bag might not be competitive anymore. It is advisable that you re-coat it. Surely the manufacturer can help with re-coating their VitalDry.
Value for Money And Warranty
The OV Summit Sleeping bag is certainly the most affordable outdoor product compared to the similar products of the same features. It costs approximately $140 from its manufacturer. The main reason behind its trimmed price could be the direct sales to the consumer instead of the retail stores, well, except the online stores that act as a platform for you to get the product.
But if you want to pair the sleeping bag with the aforementioned related products, expect to spend more money. Such spending could be mandatory if you foresee the fluctuation of the weather conditions that cannot be withstood with the bag alone.
Interesting to hear is the fact that the manufacturer offers a lifetime warranty against any craftsmanship faults. If there’s any factory fault, you can return the product within 30 days risk-free.
Outdoor Vitals has dedicated this sleeping bag to outdoor enthusiasts who love hiking or backpacking predominantly during spring, summer, and fall. As such, the company has filled it with 800+ fill power duck down – the natural material used for its superb insulation properties that surpass the synthetic materials.
On top of that, the 20 denier ripstop polyester is used as the outer shell to enhance insulation of this sleeping bag. So if you like sleeping out in the cold nights, but not freezing nights, this sleeping bag would be ideal for you.
Furthermore, perhaps of foremost importance, the sleeping bag is designed for ultralight hikers, campers, and backpackers. It weighs just under 2.8 pounds with all of its models. This is an advantage to ultralight devotees aiming to have a gear below, say, 20 pounds when everything is included. It has always been a challenge for outdoor activists to have ultralight sleeping bags. Most have been using the synthetic sleeping bags that have proven to be bulky instead.
The water repellent property of this bag also makes it an ideal choice for those sleeping in non-water repellent tents or simply outside Those dampening mid-night conditions are not a match to the VitalDry DWR coating of this bag. It will surely keep you dry and warm without compromising the insulation. But obviously, we wouldn’t recommend sleeping outside in heavy downpours.
Moreover, hikers who resent breaking their banks in collecting outdoor apparels will find this sleeping bag ideal for their situation. No matter how praised a product could be, there will always be dissatisfied buyers based on their personal preferences. For instance, some customers have expressed their dissatisfaction over this sleeping bag saying that the baffle at the hood and the chest feels synthetic. They feel that the down has not been reinforced entirely in the interior of the bag.
Nonetheless, the adequate loft and the ultralight and compact design have been praised by several customers. Some praise the temperature rating of about 20 degrees Fahrenheit and the 800 fill of the down with such a ridiculously low price. The company justifies the price cut with its intention to provide high-quality outdoor products directly to the consumer, as the founder of the company had once been denied the opportunity to own a quality sleeping bag due to a high price.
- Filled with a highly insulated 800+ duck down
- Temperature rating of 20
- It is inexpensive
- It is light weight with just 2.8 pounds
- It is versatile to accommodate various sizes
- It is coated with the VitalDry DWR for water repellent
- It has a great loft
- Comes with heavy duty YKK zippers
- It has a compact design and comes with a compression bag
- It is made of durable outer and inner shell fabrics
- Can be used for many seasons
- Not insulated enough for the fridge temperatures
We believe that you’re now in a better position to evaluate this product yourself or any other similar product based on the essential features we have discussed above. We have demystified the product review, and also discussed the related products that pair well to survive the extreme temperatures.
Western Mountaineering TerraLite Sleeping Bag: The Perfect Outdoor Sleeping Bag
Western Mountaineering has been handcrafting sleeping bags for over 40 years. They’re a well-known and high-quality brand for durable sleeping bags that keep you warm, comfortable, and don’t add unnecessary weight to your hiking pack. The Western Mountaineering TerraLite Sleeping Bag is the latest addition to their ExtremeLite series, which includes ten sleeping bags for all of your camping needs.
Recommended for ultralight backpacking and camping, the TerraLite is a wide mummy sleeping bag, specially designed for side sleeping comfort. Perfect for side sleepers who enjoy camping in a variety of seasons and weather conditions, the TerraLite has received great reviews from customers. This sleeping bag will keep you warm in temperatures as low as 25°F and provides ultimate comfort from its rip-stop outer shell for durability and taffeta lining for softness against your skin.
Its insulated hood with drawstring closure will keep you warm in the coldest conditions, and the dual zipper design allows the bag to open completely for camping in warmer months. The Western Mountaineering TerraLite sleeping bag is a high-performance, comfortable sleeping bag with premium goose down, making it a great value for the price.
In today’s review, we take a look at this amazing bag and what it has to offer. We will also look at similar sleeping bags in the market and get to compare their features and prices with the TerraLite. Read on for more detailed information.
The TerraLite sleeping bag comes in one size; a 6’6 inches right zip and weighs about 4.6 pounds when shipping. You will only get this in one color, a combination of blue and black, therefore if you like having a variety of sizes and colors, you might have a hard time with this.
Your purchase also comes with a stuff sack that you can use to store your bag and other items as you hike. Other related items like a sleeping mat and pillows are sold separately.
Design & Durability
Designed with a dual zipper that allows the sleeping bag to open completely, this sleeping bag is compatible with other sleeping bag models for couples or campers with young children who want to create a larger sleeping space. The TerraLite takes into account that there is nothing more important to the quality and function of a sleeping bag than its insulation.
It is insulated with 850+ fill power premium goose down, the lightest and most compressible down available, and includes an insulated hood with adjustable draw closure and a three dimensional down filled draft tube for keeping the cold out and body heat in. A continuous baffle construction ensures that the down insulation doesn’t isolate to one side over time or after multiple uses.
Constructed with a 12 denier rip-stop nylon outer shell for durability and 15 denier nylon taffeta lining providing a plush and soft layer against your skin, the TerraLite is a comfortable mummy bag that keeps you protected from outside elements while you sleep soundly. The shell is treated with a surface durable water repellent finish which sufficiently shrugs off dew and condensation.
With a water repellent finish you can feel ensured that condensation from tent walls or sleeping outside under the stars won’t leave your sleeping bag weighed down with dampness. The finish can also be easily reapplied over time if it begins to wear.
Temperature rating
It’s important to always keep the weather in mind when you’re choosing a sleeping bag. You want to choose a sleeping bag that is rated for the temperature range you plan to go camping in so know which seasons you plan to use this sleeping bag for. The TerraLite sleeping bag has a 25°F temperature rating making it ideal for spring and fall camping.
However, it also has some additional temperature control features for colder or warmer nights. On cold nights the adjustable drawstring hood and insulated draft tube will help keep your body warmth in and the cold out. The wide mummy design of this sleeping bag also allows you to stay comfortable while sleeping with extra layers on if the temperature drops unexpectedly.
On warmer nights, take advantage of the dual zipper design which allows the sleeping bag to unzip completely. You can unzip it and sleep on top of your sleeping bag or keep your feet unzipped to let some cool air in. With all of the temperature control features that the TerraLite offers, you’ll be comfortable camping in almost any weather conditions. Keep in mind that sleeping bag manufacturers display the ideal weather use with a temperature rating, but these ratings are just guidelines so use your best judgment.
The TerraLite weighs less than two pounds, making it one of the lightest sleeping bags on the market despite its mummy shape and size. This mummy bag is designed for ultimate sleeping comfort, especially for those with a wide frame or who are often restless sleepers. Wide throughout the middle for side sleeping comfort, the mummy design offers a comfortable shape without added weight.
You also want to make sure you have the proper length before you purchase a sleeping bag. Most sleeping bags come in regular or long sizes, but the TerraLite offers three lengths: 5’6”, 6’, and 6’6”. Its product dimensions are 9 x 9 x 22 inches, weighing in at exactly 1 pound, 13 ounces.
This mummy bag is wide throughout the middle to prevent any discomfort when sleeping on your side or tossing and turning throughout the night. Campers with wide frames and restless sleepers find that this sleeping bag provides ultimate comfort without compromising unnecessary weight or quality. This bag provides plenty of room even with extra layers on and has no limitations for moving and rolling during the night.
Unique Features
The TerraLite has a mummy design which is efficient and contains the heat your body generates as you sleep. Moreover, the design uses less materials and therefore the sleeping bag is ultra light and compresses easily. Has a 12 denier rip-stop nylon fabric which is not only breathable and water resistant, but also durable.
The bag will serve you for a very long time without any wear and tear. The shell will help you keep warm even in cool temperatures, by preventing any heat from escaping from the sleeping bag. Not forgetting the taffeta lining that is of superior quality, breathable and soft on the skin.
There are two zippers that allow for maximum comfort as you are sleeping by making the sleeping bag even roomier. As a side sleeper, you will love the wide girth that goes through the middle of the bag. You also have the option to unzip the bag at the bottom to let in air during those warm summer nights.
To top it off, the TerraLite weighs less than 2 pounds, which makes it the perfect ultra- light sleeping bag companion for all your outdoor expeditions. You don’t have to worry about feeling any extra weight as you trek.
Value for Money & Guarantee
You must be thinking that purchasing this bag will break your bank, right? Wrong! At only approx. $500, this is the most affordable and ultra-light sleeping bag you will find in the market with superior features. If price is the one factor that determines whether you will buy an item or not, then this is just the bag for you.
Purchasing the TerraLite will get you a lifetime manufacturers warranty. There is no other information provided in this regard or even about guarantee in case you end up having a problem with your sleeping bag after buying. Contact Western Mountaineering if you need to make inquiries or get more information about the warranty.
As covered in our review, Western Mountaineering has a solid history of creating wonderful sleeping bag products and the TerraLite is no different. This well-known and high-quality brand doesn’t disappoint with this model from the ExtremeLite series, offering a sleeping bag that will keep you warm, comfortable, and won’t add weight to your hiking pack.
The TerraLite is highly recommended for ultralight backpackers and campers as it weighs in at less than two pounds. Its wide mummy design is a customer favorite as side sleepers find plenty of space for moving around in this roomy sleeping bag. With 850+ fill power premium goose down insulation, this sleeping bag will keep you warm in temperatures as low as 25°F.
- Right price for value of the product
- High-quality insulation, outer shell, and liner materials
- Draft tube keeps cold out
- Attached adjustable drawstring hood
- Dual zipper allows bag to open completely
- Ultralight (less than 2 pounds!)
- Ultimate comfort and plenty of room to move
- Includes stuff sack
- Lifetime manufacturer warranty
- Very slick, slides off sleeping mat
- May be too cold in winter if the temperature drops below 25°F
- Might be too warm in summer months
Plus, it provides ultimate comfort from its rip-stop outer shell for durability and taffeta lining for softness against your skin. The Western Mountaineering TerraLite sleeping bag is a high-performance, comfortable sleeping bag with premium goose down, making it a great value for the price.
Western Mountaineering UltraLite Sleeping Bag: A Perfect Fit for All Your Backpacking Needs
Your muscles are tired and aching after a long day’s hike. You have had your meal, erected your tent, rehydrated and watched as the stars flickered to life. It’s time to sleep, and if you have done enough research, a well-rated, soft, and warm sleeping bag is important if you are to wake up re-energized come the following morning.
You slide into your sleeping bag, and after a few minutes, you realize that the cold seems to find its way into the bag. You start to wonder what could be wrong. You are in a bag rated 20 and its only 25oF outside. You should be okay, right?
This is precisely why a good sleeping bag comes in handy. If you are unfamiliar with the Western Mountaineering, you should know that this company is one of the best sleeping bag manufacturers. It is well-known for making compressible, and lightweight products with the 850+ fill power goose down. With just a weight of 1 lbs. 13 oz., the Ultralight is one of the most versatile yet lightweight gear available and can easily compress into an eight-liter waterproof stuff sack.
The Western Mountaineering UltraLite Sleeping Bag can be used to move through different climates during hiking trips and summer bike tours. You can sleep on it, or in it and no one would care. When the temperatures fall, zip up and get under the hood where you’ll be warm owing to the draft tube and a full down collar.
The UltraLite sleeping bag comes in blue, and in different sizes ranging from five feet to six feet either for the right or the left zip. It all depends which side you need to have a larger fit. The actual bag is 11*12*17 inches, with a shipping weight of about 1.63 pounds, perfect for camping and hiking.
Design & Durability
The horizontal baffles on the sleeping bag make for a simple-to-use thermostat. It’s down chambers surround the gear from zipper to zipper, making it possible for you to shift the down towards the top for cold nights. On the other hand, it’s possible to shift material underneath the bag during warmer nights. Opening the sleeping bag and laying it flat allows you to press down and run with your arms in any desired direction, pushing the insulation in the areas you need it to be.
Similar to the AlpinLite, this bag incorporates a reverse differential hood that is amazingly comfortable. This implies that the fabric on the bag’s interior is larger compared to the shell fabric. The hood covers your head, providing the comfort desired and is suitable for trapping the heat without the need to tighten it much.
Western Mountaineering utilizes a one-inch tape on both ends of the zipper which helps in facilitating an easy, snag-free functionality. The draft collar on the bag and the draft tube on the zipper are lofty; they mate perfectly, keeping the cold air out and the warm air in.
Nonetheless, Western Mountaineering should come up with a different technique for closing the hood and the draft collar of the UltraLite. The good thing about this draft collar is that it allows minimal cold to get into the bag. Both Closures are pieces of Velcro which are difficult to identify and operate and don’t open easily during the night.
The UltraLite is one of the most versatile outdoor sleeping bags. This piece of equipment is capable if unzipping during warm weather condition and can also be used in temperatures of twenty degrees Fahrenheit as rated. For people who experience the cold earlier than others, or during extra cold nights, it’s possible to add a lighter weight jacket to help boost the warmth of the bag.
The continuous baffle design allows the user to regulate the temperature further. Even for a weight-conscious individual, this 1 pound 13 Ounce sleeping bag is quite reasonable to include in your backpacking gear list and is warm enough for use in cold nights or at higher elevations.
The twenty degree Fahrenheit rating of the Western Mountaineering UltraLite Bag is pretty conservative. This sleeping bag is certainly on the warmer ends of any twenty degrees bags available. This outdoor gear is designed to provide the warmth you would expect from any well-established brand. Similar to the MegaLite, this sleeping bag incorporates continuous horizontal baffles.
Its design makes it possible for you to shift from the bag’s top to its bottom, and vice versa. It’s quite a functional gear that allows you to control the temperatures inside it; you can add more insulation on the top during cold nights. The UltraLite also offers an opportunity to shift that down to its bottom where you can compress it to keep you warm during the warmer nights.
A regular length UltraLite gear weighs 1 pound, 13 ounces. This is among the lightest sleeping bags that are rated to temperatures below twenty-five degrees Fahrenheit. Moreover, the UltraLite is lighter compared to most bags rated in the range if 30-35oF. What’s even amazing about this piece of outdoor equipment is the fact that the UltraLite is significantly warmer compared to other 20oF brands, yet lighter in weight than most of them.
The UltraLite utilize “Extremelite,” a shell of 12D fabric, which is similar to what the MegaLite uses. This fabric is insanely light as it weighs less than an ounce per square yard. The ultra-fine yarn which makes up the fabric is ultra-compressible and soft.
Although somewhat fragile, the down-proof fabric largely contributes to the low weight of the bag as well as its compressibility. Another essential contributor to the low weight of this bag is its slim cut. Since it utilizes less material, the UltraLite has succeeded in cutting a handful of ounces from its overall weight.
Comfort and Fit
Soft, lofty, and lightweight materials make this product a very attractive place to lay your head after a long day’s hike in the wilderness. Nonetheless, the hip girth, as well as the narrow shoulder, make it less comfortable compared to the MegaLite, Sierra Designs Backcountry Bed, or the Nemo Salsa 30. People who love to sleep on their back will hardly detect this, but for the tummy and side sleepers, it’s likely to be noticed.
In general, the UltraLite offers the softest and most comfortable feeling than you would ever expect from a different bag of the same rating. Apart from its narrow fit, the UltraLite Sleeping Bag consists of a down collar which runs on the upper chest to prevent the heat from escaping when moving around during the night. The gear has a full zipper that is essential for venting in warmer weather, and a down-filled draft tube that prevents side drafts.
Unique Features
The UltraLite sleeping bag has interlocking draft tubes and a full down collar that will wrap snuggly around your neck to help insulate and prevent any heat loss. The draft tubes run along the bag’s zipper to keep you insulated and prevent any heat from escaping between the zipper coils.
The outer shell is not only water resistant, but also breathable and goes a long way in protecting you and the down from condensation. Your bag will always stay dry even if it touches the wet sides of your tent or when you have been sleeping under the stars on a dewy night.
And that’s not all. There is a 5 ¼ inch spacing of continuous baffles that encircle the sleeping bag from zipper to zipper making it very compressible, light and toasty warm. Moreover, they lack a side block baffle that allows you to shift down the baffle chamber and to fully adjust the temperatures during the warm weather. When it’s hot, you are advised to lay your bag down flat and move some baffles towards the bottom for less insulation at the top.
During the cold nights, you can now move the baffles back to the top to increase the insulation. A five inch of loft has a temperature rating of 20 degrees Fahrenheit that guarantees you warmth during those cold nights. Whenever it gets colder than expected, you can always layer up on extra clothing or use a fluffy sleeping pad to provide you with additional warmth.
Value for Money & Guarantee
At about $500 for a regular length gear, the UltraLite is quite a worthy investment. Additionally, if this bag can sustain over ten years of use, and is your go-to gear for most, if not all, your backpacking adventures, along with the periodic ski touring or mountaineering adventure, then the bag is an excellent investment.
There is no warranty information or guarantee pertaining to the purchase of the sleeping bag given on the site. You are advised to contact the manufacturer directly when you need more information or whenever you need to return your sleeping bag in the event that it’s either damaged on delivery or it just does not satisfy your backpacking needs.
The Western Mountaineering UltraLite Sleeping Bag is one of the best outdoor equipment. Although it offers a few disadvantages, it is a fantastic bag that has all the features you would expect from a bag of its type.
The UltraLite is warmer, lighter, and the most compressible gear for its temperature rating. If you are a cold sleeper, this sleeping bag is tough to contend for weight, comfort of materials, packed size, and warmth.
- Gives you a great value for your money, when compared to other similar sleeping bags in the market
- Lightweight and compact , which makes it easy to carry around
- Keeps you warm even in temperatures as low as 8 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Has a breathable fabric and is water resistant.
- Has a nice fit , especially with the hood that has the drawstrings
- Can be too narrow in the shoulders and hips, making it uncomfortable when trying to move around when sleeping.
- Lacks a double foot insulation, which exposes your feet to extreme cold.
Apart from that, the UltraLite offers the best value for money and is probably the best sleeping bags for its price whether regular, short, or long.
Western Mountaineering TerraLite Sleeping Bag: The Ultralight Mummy Bag for Side Sleepers
Western Mountaineering has been handcrafting sleeping bags for over 40 years. They’re a well-known and high-quality brand for durable sleeping bags that keep you warm, comfortable, and don’t add unnecessary weight to your hiking pack. The Western Mountaineering TerraLite Sleeping Bag is the latest addition to their ExtremeLite series, which includes ten sleeping bags for all of your camping needs.
Recommended for ultralight backpacking and camping, the TerraLite is a wide mummy sleeping bag, specially designed for side sleeping comfort. Perfect for side sleepers who enjoy camping in a variety of seasons and weather conditions, the TerraLite has received great reviews from customers. This sleeping bag will keep you warm in temperatures as low as 25°F and provides ultimate comfort from its rip-stop outer shell for durability and taffeta lining for softness against your skin.
Its insulated hood with drawstring closure will keep you warm in the coldest conditions, and the dual zipper design allows the bag to open completely for camping in warmer months. The Western Mountaineering TerraLite sleeping bag is a high-performance, comfortable sleeping bag with premium goose down, making it a great value for the price.
In today’s review, we take a look at this amazing bag and what it has to offer. We will also look at similar sleeping bags in the market and get to compare their features and prices with the TerraLite. Read on for more detailed information.
The TerraLite sleeping bag comes in one size; a 6’6 inches right zip and weighs about 4.6 pounds when shipping. You will only get this in one color, a combination of blue and black, therefore if you like having a variety of sizes and colors, you might have a hard time with this.
Your purchase also comes with a stuff sack that you can use to store your bag and other items as you hike. Other related items like a sleeping mat and pillows are sold separately.
Design & Durability
Designed with a dual zipper that allows the sleeping bag to open completely, this sleeping bag is compatible with other sleeping bag models for couples or campers with young children who want to create a larger sleeping space. The TerraLite takes into account that there is nothing more important to the quality and function of a sleeping bag than its insulation.
It is insulated with 850+ fill power premium goose down, the lightest and most compressible down available, and includes an insulated hood with adjustable draw closure and a three dimensional down filled draft tube for keeping the cold out and body heat in. A continuous baffle construction ensures that the down insulation doesn’t isolate to one side over time or after multiple uses.
Constructed with a 12 denier rip-stop nylon outer shell for durability and 15 denier nylon taffeta lining providing a plush and soft layer against your skin, the TerraLite is a comfortable mummy bag that keeps you protected from outside elements while you sleep soundly. The shell is treated with a surface durable water repellent finish which sufficiently shrugs off dew and condensation.
With a water repellent finish you can feel ensured that condensation from tent walls or sleeping outside under the stars won’t leave your sleeping bag weighed down with dampness. The finish can also be easily reapplied over time if it begins to wear.
Temperature rating
It’s important to always keep the weather in mind when you’re choosing a sleeping bag. You want to choose a sleeping bag that is rated for the temperature range you plan to go camping in so know which seasons you plan to use this sleeping bag for. The TerraLite sleeping bag has a 25°F temperature rating making it ideal for spring and fall camping.
However, it also has some additional temperature control features for colder or warmer nights. On cold nights the adjustable drawstring hood and insulated draft tube will help keep your body warmth in and the cold out. The wide mummy design of this sleeping bag also allows you to stay comfortable while sleeping with extra layers on if the temperature drops unexpectedly.
On warmer nights, take advantage of the dual zipper design which allows the sleeping bag to unzip completely. You can unzip it and sleep on top of your sleeping bag or keep your feet unzipped to let some cool air in. With all of the temperature control features that the TerraLite offers, you’ll be comfortable camping in almost any weather conditions. Keep in mind that sleeping bag manufacturers display the ideal weather use with a temperature rating, but these ratings are just guidelines so use your best judgment.
The TerraLite weighs less than two pounds, making it one of the lightest sleeping bags on the market despite its mummy shape and size. This mummy bag is designed for ultimate sleeping comfort, especially for those with a wide frame or who are often restless sleepers. Wide throughout the middle for side sleeping comfort, the mummy design offers a comfortable shape without added weight.
You also want to make sure you have the proper length before you purchase a sleeping bag. Most sleeping bags come in regular or long sizes, but the TerraLite offers three lengths: 5’6”, 6’, and 6’6”. Its product dimensions are 9 x 9 x 22 inches, weighing in at exactly 1 pound, 13 ounces.
This mummy bag is wide throughout the middle to prevent any discomfort when sleeping on your side or tossing and turning throughout the night. Campers with wide frames and restless sleepers find that this sleeping bag provides ultimate comfort without compromising unnecessary weight or quality. This bag provides plenty of room even with extra layers on and has no limitations for moving and rolling during the night.
Unique Features
The TerraLite has a mummy design which is efficient and contains the heat your body generates as you sleep. Moreover, the design uses less materials and therefore the sleeping bag is ultra light and compresses easily. Has a 12 denier rip-stop nylon fabric which is not only breathable and water resistant, but also durable.
The bag will serve you for a very long time without any wear and tear. The shell will help you keep warm even in cool temperatures, by preventing any heat from escaping from the sleeping bag. Not forgetting the taffeta lining that is of superior quality, breathable and soft on the skin.
There are two zippers that allow for maximum comfort as you are sleeping by making the sleeping bag even roomier. As a side sleeper, you will love the wide girth that goes through the middle of the bag. You also have the option to unzip the bag at the bottom to let in air during those warm summer nights.
To top it off, the TerraLite weighs less than 2 pounds, which makes it the perfect ultra- light sleeping bag companion for all your outdoor expeditions. You don’t have to worry about feeling any extra weight as you trek.
Value for Money & Guarantee
You must be thinking that purchasing this bag will break your bank, right? Wrong! At only approx. $500, this is the most affordable and ultra-light sleeping bag you will find in the market with superior features. If price is the one factor that determines whether you will buy an item or not, then this is just the bag for you.
Purchasing the TerraLite will get you a lifetime manufacturers warranty. There is no other information provided in this regard or even about guarantee in case you end up having a problem with your sleeping bag after buying. Contact Western Mountaineering if you need to make inquiries or get more information about the warranty.
As covered in our review, Western Mountaineering has a solid history of creating wonderful sleeping bag products and the TerraLite is no different. This well-known and high-quality brand doesn’t disappoint with this model from the ExtremeLite series, offering a sleeping bag that will keep you warm, comfortable, and won’t add weight to your hiking pack.
The TerraLite is highly recommended for ultralight backpackers and campers as it weighs in at less than two pounds. Its wide mummy design is a customer favorite as side sleepers find plenty of space for moving around in this roomy sleeping bag. With 850+ fill power premium goose down insulation, this sleeping bag will keep you warm in temperatures as low as 25°F.
- Right price for value of the product
- High-quality insulation, outer shell, and liner materials
- Draft tube keeps cold out
- Attached adjustable drawstring hood
- Dual zipper allows bag to open completely
- Ultralight (less than 2 pounds!)
- Ultimate comfort and plenty of room to move
- Includes stuff sack
- Lifetime manufacturer warranty
- Very slick, slides off sleeping mat
- May be too cold in winter if the temperature drops below 25°F
- Might be too warm in summer months
Plus, it provides ultimate comfort from its rip-stop outer shell for durability and taffeta lining for softness against your skin. The Western Mountaineering TerraLite sleeping bag is a high-performance, comfortable sleeping bag with premium goose down, making it a great value for the price.
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